Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/180

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[A.D. 1495

with their appurtenances, as well in the Principality of South Wales North Wales and in the County Palatine of Chester and Flint and in divers other Castles Manors Lordships Lands and Tenements in the Marches of Wales and in the Counties of Hereford and Salop, parcels of the earldom of March, and now being in the Prince's hands by the King's grant during his pleasure, divers leases of Manors lands and tenements parcel of the premises hath he made for term of life lives or term of years underneath the seals in those parts of old time used and accustomed and upon the same leases much lease rent reserved unto the King and Prince, then the said Lordships Manors lands and tenements might reasonably be set for, to their great hurt and damage; Be it therefore ordained established and enacted by authority of this Parliament, that all such leases from the feast of Saint Michael the archangel next coming be utterly void and of none effect.

And also be it enacted by the same authority, that all leases hereafter to be made to any person or persons for term of life lives or term of years, by the Prince in or of any of the Lordships Manors lands and tenements parcels of the said Earldom of March, while they be in his hands as is abovesaid, be good and effectual to any such person or persons to whom they shall be so made.

And over that be it ordained and enacted by authority aforesaid that all grants of offices granted or made of or within any Castle Manor lands tenements and their appurtenances parcels of the Principality of Wales, Duchy of Cornwall, the earldom of Chester and Flint, or parcel of the earldom of March within the Marches or in the Counties of Hereford and Salop now being in the Prince's Hands, wherein due exercise is not necessary nor needful, And all grants of offices within any of the premises which were none offices the first year of King Edward the 4th. And also all grants of offices being of old time accomptants within the said Principality and County Palatine of Chester and Flint, be utterly void and of none effect: Provided alway that if any person or persons which now have to farm of the said Lordships Manors lands or tenements will give so much for them as any other person or persons will give for them, he or they shall have preferment in the taking of the same farm, which he or they now have and hold before any other, finding sufficient surety for the same.

Provided alway that this Act of resumption provision or ordinance made in this present Parliament, nor none other act nor acts made