Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/183

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A.D. 1534]
A.D. 1534]
26 Henry 8, c. 4.

An Act for Punishment of Perjury of Jurors in the Lordships Marches in WALES.

Where for lack of diligent and sure custody of Jurors sworn for trials of murderers felons and accessaries of felonies and murders in Wales and the Marches of the same, divers adherents friends and kinsfolks to such offenders have resorted to the same Jurors, and have suborned them to acquit divers murderers felons and accessaries openly and notoriously known contrary to equity and justice; It is therefore enacted by the King our Sovereign Lord and the Lords spiritual and temporal and the Commons in this present parliament assembled and by the authority of the same, that forthwith upon the charge given to any inquest hereafter to be taken and sworn before any Justiciar, Steward, Lieutenant or other Officer within Wales or the Marches of the same, of for and upon any traverse against the King or the trial or any recognizance broken or any other forfeiture, forfeited to the King, or of, for, and upon the trial of any murderer felon or accessary of felony or murder, One Officer or other person shall be deputed and sworn in the presence of the said Justiciar or other officer, for the true and diligent Keeping of the same Jurors; And that the same officer or other person so sworn, without the special commandment of the said Justiciar or other officer shall not do or suffer to be ministered to the same Jurors any bread drink meat fire or light, nor shall suffer the same Jurors to speak to any person or persons, nor the same Officer or other person sworn without commandment aforesaid shall not speak to the said Jurors but only to demand of them of their agreement, unto such time as the same Jurors shall have given their Verdict; any usage or custom heretofore used to the contrary notwithstanding: And if the same Officer or other person so sworn in form aforesaid do not execute and accomplish the premises in the oath before rehearsed in every point and article, then the same Officer or other person so sworn shall be punished and imprisoned, and make fine and ransom to the King's Highness by the discretion of the said Justiciar, Steward, Lieutenant or other Officer.

And also be it enacted by the authority aforesaid that if the same Jurors do acquit any such felon, murderer or accessary upon whose trial they shall be charged, or give any untrue Verdict against