Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/190

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[A.D. 1534

same; any Custom before this Time used to the contrary notwithstanding.

6. And that all Sessions and Courts hereafter to be holden within Wales, or the Lordships Marchers of the same, shall be kept within the most sure and peaceable Place within the same Lordship Marcher, where the said Justice, Steward or other Officer shall appoint; and for the Punishment and speedy Trials, as well of the Counterfeiters of any Coin current within this Realm, washing, clipping or minishing of the same, as of all and singular Felonies, Murthers, wilful burning of Houses, Manslaughters, Robberies, Burglaries, Rapes and Accessaries of the same, and other Offences feloniously done, perpetrated and committed, or hereafter to be done, perpetrated and committed, within any Lordship Marcher of Wales: Be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid. That the Justices of the Gaol-delivery and of the Peace, and every of them for the Time being, in the Shire or Shires of England where the King's Writ runneth, next adjoining to the same Lordship Marcher, or other Places in Wales, where such counterfeiting, washing, clipping or minishing of any Coin current within this Realm, or Murther, hath been or hereafter shall be committed or done, or where any other Felonies or Accessaries shall be hereafter committed, perpetrated or done, shall have from henceforth full Power and Authority at their Sessions and Gaol-delivery, to inquire by Verdict of twelve Men of the same Shire or Shires next adjoining within England where the King's Writ runneth, there to cause all such Counterfeiters, Washers, Clippers of Money, Felons, Murtherers and Accessaries to the same, to be indicted according to the Laws of this Land, in like Manner and Form as if the same Petit Treasons, Murthers, Felonies and Accessaries to the same had been done, committed or perpetrated within any of the said Shires within the said Realm, and also to hear, determine and judge the same according to the Laws of this Realm.

7. And that all foreign Pleas pleaded by any of the said Malefactors and Offenders, shall be tried and determined in the said Shire or Shires; and that the Acquittal or Fine making for any of the Causes aforesaid in any of the Lordships Marchers, shall be no Bar for any Person or Persons, being indicted in the said Shire or Shires, within two Years next after any such Murther or Felony done.

8. And further it is enacted, That the said Justices of Peace and