Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/200

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[A.D. 1535

Carnarvon Merioneth Cardigan Carmarthen Pembroke and Glamorgan to do use and execute every thing and things as other Justices of peace Quorum and Gaol delivery have within any other of the Shires of this Realm of England, and also shall be sworn astricted and obliged to the Keeping of their Sessions of the peace, and to the due execution of all and singular Statutes and Ordinances made and to be made, in like manner and form and under like pains and penalties as Justicers of peace Justicers of Quorum and Gaol delivery in other Shires of this Realm of England been and shall be bounden and obliged; any Act statute prescription usage custom liberty or privilege had made accustomed or used to the contrary notwithstanding.

And it is further enacted by the authority aforesaid that the estreats of the issues fines and amerciaments taxed lost set or forfeited by or before such Justicers of peace Quorum and Gaol delivery in the said Counties of Chester and Flint shall be returned and certified into the Exchequer of Chester before the King's Chamberlain there, And that the estreats of the issues fines and amerciaments taxed set lost or forfeited by or before the Justicers of peace Quorum and Gaol delivery in the said Counties of Anglesey Carnarvon and Merioneth and every of them shall be returned and certified into the King's Exchequer at Carnarvon to and before the King's Chamberlain of North Wales; And that the estreats of the issues fines and amerciaments taxed set lost or forfeited by or before the Justicers of peace Quorum and Gaol delivery in the said Counties of Carmarthen and Cardigan and every of them shall be returned and certified into the King's Exchequer at Carmarthen to and before the King's Chamberlain of South Wales; And that the estreats of the issues fines and amerciaments taxed set lost or forfeited by or before the Justicers of Peace Quorum and Gaol delivery in the County of Pembroke shall be returned and certified into the King's Exchequer at Pembroke; And that the estreats of the issues fines and amerciaments taxed set lost or forfeited by or before the Justicers of Peace Quorum and Gaol delivery in the said County of Glamorgan shall be returned and certified into the King's Exchequer at Kayerdyff; And that the said estreats of the said issues fines and amerciaments certified and returned into every of the foresaid Exchequers shall be indented in such like manner and form as is used in the King's Exchequer at Westminster; And that the said Justicers of Peace and