Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/209

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A.D. 1535]

3. "And forasmuch as there be many and divers Lordships Marchers within the said Country or Dominion of Wales, lying between the Shires of England and the Shires of the said Country or Dominion of Wales, and being no Parcel of any other Shires where the Laws and due Correction is used and had, by reason whereof hath ensued, and hath been practised perpetrated committed and done, within and among the said Lordships and Countries to them adjoining, manifold and divers detestable Murlhers brenning of Houses Robberies Thefts Trespasses Routs Riots unlawful Assemblies Embraceries Maintenances receiving of Felons Oppressions Ruptures of the Peace, and manifold other Malefacts, contrary to all Laws and Justice; and the said Offenders thereupon making their Refuge from Lordship to Lordship, were and continued without Punishment or Correction; for due Reformation whereof, and forasmuch as divers and many of the said Lordships Marchers be now in the Hands and Possession of our Sovereign Lord the King, and the smallest Number of them in the Possession of other Lords," It is therefore enacted by the Authority aforesaid. That divers of the said Lordships Marchers shall be united annexed and joined to divers of the Shires of England, and divers of the said Lordships Marchers shall be united annexed and joined to divers of the Shires of the said Country or Dominion of Wales, in Manner and Form hereinafter following; and that all the Residue of the said Lordships Marchers within the said Country or Dominion of Wales, shall be severed and divided into certain particular Counties or Shires, that is to say, the County or Shire of Monmouth, the County or Shire of Brecknock, the County or Shire of Radnor, the County or Shire of Montgomery, the County or Shire of Denbigh; and that the Lordships Townships Parishes Commotes and Cantreds of Monmouth, Chepstow, Matherne, Llanvihangel, Magour, Goldecliffe, Newport, Wenllonge, Llanwerne, Caerlion, Usk, Treleck, Tintern, Skynfreth, Gronsmont, Witecastle, Reglan, Calicote, Biston, Abergevenny, Penrose, Greenfield, Maghen, and Hochuyslade in the Country of Wales, and all and singular Honours Lordships Castles Manors Lands Tenements and Hereditaments lying or being within the Compass or Precinct of the said Lordships Townships Hamlets Parishes Commotes and Cantreds, and every of them, in whose Possession soever they be or shall be, and every Part thereof, shall stand and be from and after the said Feast of Al-Saints guildable, and shall be reputed accepted named and taken as Parts and