Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/220

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[A.D. 1535

said County of Monmouth; and that every Person or Persons within the said County of Monmouth, put under Common Mainprise, and bound to his personal Appearance, shall keep their personal Appearance at the Sessions holden within the said Shire of Monmouth, next after the Clause of Easter, and at the Sessions to be holden within the said Shire next after the Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel, until such Time that they be thereof released after the Form of the Law.

23. And that every of the Sheriffs of the said Counties of Brecknock, Radnor, Mountgomery, and Denbigh, and every of them shall certify such Recognizances, common Mainprise or Surety of Appearance by them taken, before such Justice as shall be appointed by our Sovereign Lord the King within every of the said Shires, at every Sessions to be holden in any of the said Shires before the same Justice.

24. And that every Person and Persons within the said Counties of Brecknock, Radnor, Mountgomery, and Denbigh, and also within the above named Counties of Glamorgan, Kayermarthen, Pembroke, and Cardigan, or any of them, put under common Mainprise, and bound to his or their personal Appearance, as well by the aforesaid Sheriffs, as by the Justice of any of the said Counties, shall keep their Appearances before the said Justices at every Sessions within the said Counties to be holden, in such like Manner and Form as is used in the three Shires of North Wales.

25. "And for that the Lords Marchers before this present Parliament have used to put their Tenants within their Lordships Marchers, under such common Mainprise and Surety of Appearance, and have had the Forfeitures thereof, which for ever from and after the said Feast of All-Saints shall utterly cease and determine": Therefore be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid. That after the said Feast of All-Saints, every lay and temporal Person now being a Lord Marcher, shall have the Moiety or Half of every Forfeiture of all and every common Mainprise, Recognizance for the Peace or Appearance, forfeited by any of their Tenants inhabiting within any of their Lordships Marchers; and they to be paid the same Moiety or Half by the Hands of the Sheriffs of every of the said Counties where such Forfeitures shall be, if the Sheriff can levy the same; and the same Sheriff to account to our Sovereign Lord the King for the other Half or Moiety in such Exchequer as they be bound to be accomptant.