Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/230

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[A.D. 1541

thereof cannot perceive nor discern the untrue making and breadth thereof to the great Hurt Deceit and Impoverishing of the King's true and loving Subjects; for Remedy whereof be it enacted, ordained and established by the King our Sovereign Lord his Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by Authority of the same, That all and every the said Cloths from and after the Feast of the Nativity of St. John Baptist next coming, that shall be brought to any common Market and Fairs to be uttered and sold shall be folded either in pleats or Cuttles as the cloths of all other Countries of this Realm commonly have been used and be used, to the Intent that the Buyers thereof may plainly see and perceive the Breadth and Goodness of such Cloth and Cloths as he shall buy; and that every piece of the said Cloths, which after the said Feast shall be brought to any Market or Fair to be uttered and sold contrary to the Form aforesaid, shall be forfeited; that is to say, the Moiety or one half thereof to the Use of our said Sovereign Lord the King, and the other Moiety thereof to any of the King's Subjects which will sue for the same in any of the King's Courts of Record by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, Information or otherwise, wherein the Defendant shall not be admitted to wage his Law, nor any Protection nor Essoin nor any other dilatory Plea admitted or allowed.

A.D. 1541]
33 Henry 8, c. 13. ss. 3, 4.

An Act concerning certain Lordships translated from the County of Denbigh to the County of Flint.

"3. And where the Lordships Towns and Hamlets of Hope and Asaph, have of old Time been reputed accepted and taken as Part and Parcel of the County of Flint, and so have been continued until now of late, that by an Act of Parliament made in the 27th Year of the Reign of our most dread Sovereign Lord the King's Majesty that now is, the same were assigned to the County of Denbigh; and also where Parcel of the Parish of Hawarden is at this Day and of old Time hath been accepted taken and used as Part of the said County of Flint, and the Residue of the said Parish of Hawarden is and always hath been without the Precincts Limits and Jurisdiction of the same County"; Be it also enacted by the Authority