Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/235

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A.D. 1542-3]

Realm, to be appointed as is aforesaid, shall be Justice of the Shires of Caermarthen, Pembroke and Cardigan, and shall in likewise hold and keep Sessions twice in every Year, in every of the same Shires, and shall also have yearly of the King's Majesty fifty Pounds for his Fee.

10. Item, The said Persons or Justices, and every of them now being, or that hereafter shall be, shall have several Letters Patents and Commissions for their Offices, under the King's Seal of England, to be exercised by themselves or their sufficient Deputies, according to the Purposes and Intents in these Ordinances specified.

11. Provided always, That their Commissions to them already granted under the said Great Seal, shall stand in Force and Effect according to the Tenor of the same, unless it shall please the King's Majesty hereafter to alter or change them or any of them; this present article last before expressed in any wise notwithstanding.

12. Item, That every of the said Justices, within the Limits of their Commissions and Authorities to them appointed as is aforesaid, shall hold all manner of Pleas of the Crown at and in the said Sessions, in as large and ample manner as the King's Chief Justice in England, and other the King's Justices of the King's Bench there, or any of them, may do in their Places, or elsewhere within the Realm of England; and also to hold Pleas of Assises, and all other Pleas and Actions real, personal and mixt, in as large and ample Manner as the King's Chief Justice of the Common-place in England, and other Justices of the same Place, or any of them, may do in the Realm of England.

13. Item, That every of the said Justices of Wales shall have Power and Authority to enquire of all Treasons, Murders, Felonies, Riots, Routs, unlawful Assemblies, Extortions, Embraceries. Maintenances, Retainers, Concealments, Contempts, and all other Offences and evil Deeds, of what Natures, Names or Qualities soever they be, done, committed or perpetrated within the Limits of their Commissions and Authorities, against the Form of the Common Law of the Realm of England, or of any Statutes of the same, and to hear and determine the Premisses, and every of them, and generally to minister common Justice to all and singular the King's Subjects within the Limits of their Commissions and Authorities, according to the Laws, Statutes and Customs of the Realm of England, and according to this present Ordinance.