Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/242

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[A.D. 1542-3

43. Item, That the King's Silver upon every Fine to be levied, shall be paid as is used in the Common Place in England, that is to say, 2/-. which King's Silver shall be paid to the Justice afore whom such Fine shall be levied; whereof the King's Highness shall have 20d. and the Prenotary entering the same shall have 2d. and the Justice afore whom such Fine shall be levied other 2d. and that the same Justice shall account for the King's Part thereof, like as he shall for the Profits of the King's judicial Seal committed to his Charge, in Manner and Form as is aforesaid.

44. Item, There shall be four Prenotaries for the making of all judicial Process, and for the Entring of all Pleas, Process, and Matters of Record, in the Sessions to be holden before the said Justices, whereof one of the said Prenotaries shall attend upon the said Justice appointed for the three Shires of North Wales, and one other shall attend upon the Justice assigned for the three Shires of Flint, Denbigh and Montgomery; and the third shall attend upon the Justice assigned for the three Shires of Caermarthen, Cardigan and Pembroke; and the fourth of the said Prenotaries shall attend upon the Justice assigned for the three Shires of Glamorgan, Brecknock and Radnor: And these four Prenotaries, as often as their said Offices shall be void, shall be named and appointed by the King's Highness, by his Majesty's Letters Patents under his great Seal of England. And where one John Arnold, Gentleman, hath the Office of Prenotary and Clerkship of the Crown, by the King's Highness Letters Patents, within the said three Shires of North Wales; and that one John Breckenhead hath the Office of the Prenotary, and Clerkship of the Crown by the King's Letters Patents, within the said Shire of Flint; and that likewise one John Leonard hath the Office of the Prenotary and Clerkship of the Crown, by the King's Letters Patents, within all the Residue of the said Dominion of Wales; the King's Majesty is pleased and contented, that the said three Prenotaries shall have, use, and enjoy their said Offices according to the Effect of the said Letters Patents to them thereof made, doing their Duties and Attendance by themselves or their sufficient Deputies, at every of the said Sessions to be kept within the Shires whereunto they be so appointed.

45. Item, There shall be a Marshal and a Crier in every of the said Circuits and Limits allotted to the said Justices, which shall be named by the said Justices within the Limits of their Authority and Commission, in like Manner and Form as Justices of Assise do