Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/248

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[A.D. 1542-3

Ministers and Officers of Justice of every County, Lordship, Town and Place within the said Dominion of Wales, and all and singular the King's Subjects of the same shall be always obedient, attendant and assisting to the said President Council and Justices of Wales, and every of them, and shall obey the King's Commandments and Process from them or any of them directed, and all the lawful and reasonable Precepts of the said President, Council and Justices, and every of them, and also shall be obedient to all the said Justices of Peace, Sheriffs and Escheators within the Limits of their said Authorities, as well for common Administration and due Execution of Justice, as in all other Things appertaining to their Duties and Offices.

66. Item, That Escheators shall be named in every of the said Shires by the Lord Treasurer of England, by the Advice of the said President, Council and Justices, or three of them at the least, whereof the said President to be one; which Escheators shall make and take their Oaths, and knowledge their Recognisances, before the said President, or one of the said Justices, by Virtue of the King's Writ of Dedimus potestatem to be directed for the same, for the due Execution of their Offices, and for their true Account to be made before the King's Auditor or Auditors to be assigned for the same; which Oath and Recognizance shall be agreable to the Oath and Recognizance used for the Escheators in England; and the Escheators shall yearly have their Patents and Commissions under the Great Seal of England, and shall have Power and Authority to exercise their Offices in like Manner and Form as Escheators in England, and shall be bound to all Laws and Statutes of England.

67. Item, That all such Persons as shall be appointed to the said Offices, shall and may exercise their Offices, if they may dispend yearly £5 of Freehold, any Statutes of England to the contrary thereof notwithstanding; and that every of the said Escheators shall make their Accompts yearly before such Auditor or Auditors as shall be assigned by the King's Majesty, to hear and determine his Highness Account for his Revenues and Profits of the said Dominion of Wales.

68. Item, There shall be two Coroners to be elected in every of the said twelve Shires, as is used in England, by Virtue of the King's Writ De Coronatore eligendo, to be awarded out of the King's Chancery of England; and that the said Coroners shall have like