Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/254

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[A.D. 1542-3

90. Item, That no Manner of Person or Persons from henceforth without lawful Authority, shall make any Rumours, Tumults, unlawful Assemblies or Outcries at any of the said Courts or Sessions, nor any Outcries and unlawful Assemblies in great Numbers at any other Time or Times, except it be for the Apprehension or pursuing of Murtherers or Felons; upon Pain of Imprisonment and grievous Fine to be taxed and set upon them by the said President and Council, or by the Justices or other Officer before whom such Misdemeanour shall happen to be committed.

91. Item, That all Manors, Lands, Tenements, Messuages and other Hereditaments, and all Rights and Titles to the same, in any of the said Shires of Wales, descended to any Manner Person or Persons sith the Feast of the Nativity of St. John Baptist in the thirty-third Year of our said Sovereign Lord's Reign, or that hereafter shall descend, be taken, enjoyed, used, and holden as English Tenure, to all Intents according to the Common Laws of this Realm of England, and not to be partable among Heirs Males, after the Custom of Gavelkind, as heretofore in divers Parts of Wales hath been used and accustomed. And that the same Law, from and after the said Feast of St. John Baptist, in the said thirty-third Year, be used, taken, and exercised in the said County of Monmouth, and in all such Lordships and other Places as by Virtue of the said Act made in the said twenty-seventh Year, or by any other Act or Acts made or to be made, were and shall be annexed, united, or knit to any of the Shires of Salop, Hereford, Gloucester, or other Shire; any Laws, Usages, or Customs heretofore had or used to the contrary thereof notwithstanding.

92. Item, That no Mortgages of Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments made or had after the said Feast of St. John Baptist, which was in the said thirty-third Year of the Reign of our said Sovereign Lord, or that hereafter shall be had or made within any of the said Shires or Places, shall be hereafter allowed or admitted, otherwise than after the Course of the Common Laws or Statutes of the Realm of England; any Usage or Custom heretofore had to the contrary thereof notwithstanding.

93. Item, It shall be lawful to all Persons to aliene, sell, or otherwise put away their Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments within the said Country or Dominion of Wales, the County of Monmouth, and other Places annexed to any of the Shires of England, from them and their Heirs, to any Person or Persons in Fee-simple or