Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/263

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A.D. 1542-3]

And the said Sheriff of the said county and town shall serve all precepts and process directed from the said High Justice, in like manner and form as the Sheriff of the said county of Pembroke is bound to do, and according to the effect and purport of the King's Ordinance in that behalf had made and provided. And that it shall be lawful unto the said Mayor Sheriff Bailiffs and Burgesses of the said county and town of Haverfordwest aforesaid, to use and exercise all lawful liberties and grants by the King's Majesty or his noble progenitors to them granted and confirmed at the King's Majesty's will and pleasure, according to the laws of the realm of England and not otherwise. And that the judicial seal of the said shires of Pembroke, Caermarthen, and Cardigan, being in the custody and keeping of the King's High Justice there for the time being, shall be used in the said county and town of Haverfordwest, as the original and judicial seal of the said town and county. And that the said Justice of the said shires of Pembroke Caermarthen, and Cardigan, shall have like power and authority, by virtue of the King's letters patents to him made, as well to do all and every thing and things concerning common Justice to be ministered within the said town and county of Haverfordwest, as he hath in his said letters patents within any of the said shires of Pembroke, Caermarthen, and Cardigan.

125. Provided alway, That this article touching and concerning the county and town of Haverfordwest, and all things therein contained, shall stand and endure but only at the King's Majesty's Will and pleasure, and none otherwise.

126. Provided alway, That this Act or any thing therein contained shall not be prejudicial nor hurtful to any person or persons, or bodies politick, for or concerning any lands tenements rents services bondmen tolls or other hereditaments; but that they and every of them, their heirs, successors and assigns, and the heirs successors and assigns of every of them, shall have hoid and enjoy their lands tenements rents services bondmen and other their hereditaments, in such like manner, form and condition, as they had the same before the making of this Act, and as if this Act had never been had nor made.

127. Provided also, That this Act nor any thing therein contained shall be hurtful or prejudicial to any person or persons, for or concerning any office or offices, which they or any of them have by virtue of any of the King's letters patents, being now in force