Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/266

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[A.D. 1543

Knights or to his or their assigns within the term of two months after that any such Knight or Knighis shall deliver or cause to be delivered the King's Writ de solutione feodi militis parliamenti to any such Sheriff; and every such Sheriff making default of payment of the said fees or wages in manner and form as aforesaid to lose and forfeit £20 whereof the one moiety to be to the King's use and the other to his or their use that will sue for the same in any of the King's Courts of Record by information bill or plaint or otherwise afore any of the King's Officers wherein no essoin protection nor wager of law shall be admitted. And if it shall happen any Sheriff in any of the said twelve Shires and County of Monmouth do make default of payment of the said wages or fees by a longer time than two months then every said Sheriff to forfeit for every month that he or they shall make default £20 to be forfeited and levied in manner and form as is aforesaid.

2. And that every Mayor and Bailiff and other head officers of cities boroughs and towns in every the said twelve Shires and in the said County of Monmouth within the like term and space of two months after the receipt of the King's Majesty's Writ De Solutione feodi Burgensi Parliamenti like as is before mentioned for gathering or levying of the Knight's Fees shall levy gather and pay the wages and fees to their Burgesses in like manner and form as is aforesaid and in and under like pains and forfeitures as be afore-mentioned to be levied on the goods and chattels of every such mayor bailiff and other officer to whom the King's said Writ shall be directed for the levying of such fees making default of payment of the said fees and wages to the Burgesses in manner and form as is aforesaid.

3. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid forasmuch as the inhabitants of all cities and Boroughs in every the said twelve Shires within Wales and in the said County of Monmouth not finding Burgesses for the Parliament themselves, must bear and pay the Burgesses' Wages within the Shire towns of and in every of the said twelve Shires in Wales and in the said County of Monmouth, that from the beginning of the said Parliament the Burgesses of all and every of the said cities boroughs and towns which be and shall be contributory to the payment of the Burgesses wages of the said shire towns shall be lawfully admonished by proclamation or otherwise by the Mayors Bailiffs or other head officers of the said towns or by one of them to come and to give their