Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/273

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A.D. 1554]
A.D. 1554]
1-2 Philip and Mary, c. 15.

An Act to confirm the Liberties of the Lords Marchers in WALES.

Humbly beseeching your Excellent Majesties your true and faithful Subjects the Lords Marchers both Spiritual and Temporal within your Highness's Dominion of Wales, That Whereas in the Parliament holden at Westminster the 27th year of the reign of King Henry the Eighth, father unto you our natural Sovereign Lady, amongst other things One Act was made and established for Laws and Justice to be ministered in the said Dominion of Wales in like form as it is in this Realm of England; In the which Act one Article is, that for that the Lords Marchers before the Parliament had used to put their tenants within their Lordships Marchers under Common Mainprise and Surety of Appearance, and have had the forfeitures thereof, which for ever from and after the feast of All Saints then next ensuing the said Parliament should utterly cease and be determined; It was enacted that after the said Feast of All Saints every lay and temporal person then being a Lord Marcher should have the moiety or half of every forfeiture of all and every Common Mainprise Recognisance for the Peace or Appearance forfeited by any of their Tenants inhabiting within any of their Lordships Marchers, and they to be paid the same moiety or half by the hands of the Sheriff of every of the Counties where such forfeiture shall be if the Sheriff can levy the same, and the same Sheriff to account to Our said late Sovereign Lord the King for the other half or moiety in such Exchequer as they be accountant; And further it was enacted by the authority aforesaid that all and every Lay and Temporal person and persons then being Lords Marchers, and having any Lordships Marchers, or Lordships Royal, should from and after the said Feast of All Saints have all such mises and profits of their Tenants as they have had or used to have at the first entry into their lands in times past; And also should have hold and keep within the precincts of their Lordships, Courts Baron Courts Leet and Lawdays, and all and every thing to the said Courts belonging and also should have within the precinct of their said Lordships or Lawday, Waif, Straif, Infangthefe Outfangthefe Treasure trove Deodands Goods and Chattels of Felons and of persons condemned