Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/291

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A.D. 1584]

4. Provided always and be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if any person or persons shall within the time and years aforesaid, commence or sue his or their Writs of Error for the reversing of any of the said Fines or Recoveries heretofore passed, which Suit shall fortune to abate by the Death of any of the parties to the same, that then it shall and may be lawful for his and their Heirs, at any time within one year next after the said seven years expired, to have sue and take their Writ of Error for the reversing of every such Fine and Recovery; And if such Heir be an infant within the age of 21 years, then within one year next after the full age of such Infant; Any thing in this present Act contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding.

5. And be it further enacted by the authority of this present Parliament, That every person that shall at any time hereafter take the knowledge of any Fine or Warrant of Attorney of any Tenant or Vouchee for suffering any Common Recovery, to be levied, knowledged, passed or had within any of the said 12 Shires of Wales, Town and County of Haverfordwest or Counties Palatine, or shall certify them or any of them, shall with the Certificate of the Concord or Warrant of Attorney certify also the day and year wherein the same was acknowledged: And that no person that taketh any such knowledge of any Fine or Warrant for any Recovery, shall be bound or by any means inforced to certify any such knowledge or Warrant, except it be within one year next after the said knowledge taken.

6. And that no Clerk or Officer in any of the said 12 Shires of Wales, Town or County of Haverfordwest, or Counties Palatine, shall receive any Writ of Covenant or Writ of Entry, or any other Writ whereupon any Fine or Common Recovery is hereafter to pass, unless the day of the knowledge of the same Fine and Warrant shall appear in or by such Certificate; upon pain that every Clerk that shall receive any such Writ shall forfeit for every time that he shall so offend the sum of forty shillings; And that no Attornment in or upon any such Fine in any of the Courts aforesaid be entered upon Record, except the Party mentioned to attorn therein first have appeared in the Court, in person or by Attorney warranted by the Hands of one of the Justices of the same Court, upon a Writ of Quid juris clamat, quem Redditum reddit, or per quæ servitia, as the cause requireth; And that every Entry of Attornment hereafter to be made in any of the Courts aforesaid wherein there shall be no