Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/305

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A.D. 1649]

authority thereof, that Col. Thomas Harrison, Col. Philip Jones, Col. John Jones, Sir John Trevor, Knight, Henry Herbert, Esq., William Herbert, William Parker, William Blethin, Christopher Catchmay, Reese Williams, John Nicholas, Edward Herbert, Robert Jones, Bussey Mansel, Edward Prichard, John Price, Rowland Dawkins, William Botteler, Edward Stradling, John Herbert, Richard Jones, Jenkin Franklyn, John James, Wroth Rogers, John Herring, Stephen Winthrop, Esqrs.; Sir Erasmus Phillips, Samson Lort, Henry Williams, Silvanus Taylor, Richard King, John Williams, John Dancy, Thomas Watkins, James Phillips, John Lewis, William Barber, Esqrs.; John Daniel, John Bowen, Gent., John Puleston, one of the Justices of the Court of Common Pleas, Humphrey Mackworth, William Littleton, Robert Duckenfield, Thomas Baker, Hugh Price, Evan Lloyd, Richard Price, Robert Griffith, Edward Owens, George Twistleton, George Carter, Thomas Mason, Lighten Owens, Rice Vaughan, Thomas Ball, Hugh Courtney, Edward Taylor, Roger Soutley, Esqrs.; Daniel Lloyd, David Morris, William Wynne, Gentlemen; Thomas Swift, Esq,; Hugh Richard, Gent.; John Saddler, John Peck, Luke Lloyd, Andrew Ellis, Ralph Crechley, Esqrs.; Lewis Price, of Llanwenog, Henry Williams, John Brown, Gent., are hereby constituted and appointed to be Commissioners in the counties of Montgomery, Denbigh, Flint, Caernarvon, Merioneth, Anglesea, Monmouth, Glamorgan, Pembroke, Caermarthen, Cardigan, Brecknock, and Radnor, and every one of them, to put in execution the several powers and authorities hereinafter mentioned and directed (that is to say), that they, the said Commissioners, or any five or more of them, shall have full power and authority, and are hereby enabled and authorized to receive all articles or charges which shall be exhibited against any parson, vicar, curate, schoolmaster, or any other now having, or that shall have, any ecclesiastical benefit or promotion within the said counties or any of them, for any delinquency, scandal, malignancy, or non-residency, and upon such articles so exhibited to grant out warrants in writing under the hands and seals of the said Commissioners, or any five or more of them, to be directed to the party against whom such articles shall be exhibited, requiring his appearance before such Commissioners at a certain day and place in the said warrant mentioned, to answer the said charge or articles respectively, and after notice of the said warrant personally made or given to the said party articled against, or left at