Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/317

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A.D. 1659]

That the payment of any part of the said Fine or of any other sum of money by any of the Inhabitants of the said Counties in pursuance of this Act shall not be construed or taken to be a sufficient matter of evidence or confession for the conviction of such person to have acted anything against the Parliament: And whereas Col. Thomas Mason, Capt. Richard Price, Capt. Thomas Bell and Richard Cheadle, Esq. have done very good and faithful service to the Commonwealth, some of them having had their houses burnt, and their whole estates kept from them for divers years by the Enemy (to their total ruin) for their affection to the Parliament; by reason whereof they are become incapable of serving the Commonwealth, according to the Trust reposed in them unless they receive some reasonable supply and reparation towards their Arrears, Disbursements and Sufferings; Be it therefore Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the sum of Two thousand pounds out of the first money that shall be raised by Sequestration of, or Composition with, any new Delinquents in the said Counties not pardoned by this Act, shall be disposed of towards Satisfaction of the Arrears, Disbursement, and Reparation of the losses and sufferings of the said persons, as the Parliament shall hereafter order and appoint; And likewise That the debts and engagements of William Lloid, Esq., late High Sheriff of the County of Carnarvon, now deceased, not exceeding One thousand pounds be according to a vote of the Commons assembled in Parliament of the tenth of June One thousand six hundred forty eight, discharged out of the Rents, Fines or Compositions of the said New Delinquents not pardoned by this Act.

Die Veneris, 10th August, 1649. Ordered by the Commons in Parliament assembled. That this Act be forthwith printed and published.

Hen. Scobell, Cleric. Parliament.

A.D. 1659]
Commonwealth Statute.
An Act for taking the Accompts, and Redressing of Grievances concerning the Tithes and Church Livings in WALES; and for Advancement of Religion and Learning there.

Be it Enacted and Ordained by this present Parliament, That the Council of State be, and are hereby Impowered by Letters,