Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/341

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A.D. 1772]

Deduction, or Reward whatsoever, to be paid by the Sheriff either to such Auditor or Receiver.

2. Provided nevertheless, and it is hereby enacted. That no greater or larger Sum shall be allowed, passed, certified, and paid, than the Sum of Ten Pounds for or in respect of such Accommodations in any one County, during or upon Account of any one such Session.

A.D. 1772]
12 George 3, c. 30.
An Act for the further Augmentation of the Salaries of the Justices of Chester, and the Great Sessions for the Counties in WALES.

"Whereas it is highly reasonable and expedient that a further Augmentation should be made to the Salaries of the Justices of Chester, and of the Great Sessions for the Counties in Wales: And whereas the several Stamp-duties, granted by divers Acts of Parliament made in the thirty-second Year of the Reign of his late Majesty King George the Second, and in the Second and Fifth Years of his present Majesty's Reign, and appropriated for the Payment of the augmented Salaries of the respective Judges therein mentioned, have for the last four Years, produced annually a considerable Surplus; and the same is, by the said several Acts, reserved for the Disposition of Parliament"; be it therefore enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same. That, from and after the fifth day of April, one thousand seven hundred and seventy-two, there shall be issued, paid, and applied, in every Year, and out of any of the Surplusses which shall arise upon the several Stamp-duties granted by the Acts aforesaid, after the Payment already charged thereupon, shall, from Time to Time, have been satisfied, the Sums of Money following to the several Justices herein after mentioned, as an Addition to, and in further Augmentation of, their respective Salaries; that is to say. The annual Sum of three hundred Pounds, to the Chief Justice of Chester for the Time being; the annual Sum of two hundred Pounds to the second Justice of Chester for the Time being; and to each of the Justices for the Time being of the Great Sessions for the