Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/347

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A.D. 1773]

Jury, and shall not have any further or other Allowance for the same, upon Taxation of Costs, than such Person or Party would be intitled unto in case the Cause had been tried by a common Jury, unless the Justices or Justice before whom the Cause is tried shall, immediately after the Trial, certify in open Court, under his or their Hand or Hands, upon the Back of the Record, that the same was a Cause proper to be tried by a Special Jury.

"8. And to prevent the Demand or Payment of extravagant Fees of Jurymen returned under the Authority of this Act," be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid. That no Person who shall serve upon any Jury, appointed or returned by Authority of this Act, shall be allowed, or take, for serving on any such Jury, More than the Sum of Money which the Justices or Justice who tries the Issue or Issues shall think just and reasonable, not exceeding the Sum of one Pound one Shilling, except in Causes where a View hath been or shall be directed.

"9. And, for the greater Ease and Benefit of all Persons whomsoever in the taking of Affidavits to be made use of and read in the Courts of his Majesty's Great Sessions in Wales, in all Matters and Causes whatsoever depending, or to be depending, in all or any of the Courts aforesaid, or in anywise concerning the Proceedings of or in the same," be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Justices of the respective Courts of Great Sessions in Wales for the Time being shall and may, by one or more Commission or Commissions, under the Seal of the said respective Courts, from Time to Time, as Need shall require, impower such and so many Persons as they shall think fit and necessary, in all and every the several Shires and Counties within their respective Circuits in the said Dominion of Wales, to take and receive all and every such Affidavit and Affidavits as any Person or Persons shall be willing and desirous to make before any of the Persons so impowered in, or concerning any Cause, Matter, or Thing depending, or hereafter to be depending, or in any wise concerning any of the Proceedings to be in their respective Circuits of Great Sessions, as the Justices of his Majesty's Court of King's Bench, or Common Pleas, or the Lord Treasurer, Chancellor, and Barons of the Court of Exchequer for the Time being, do use to do; which said Affidavits, taken as aforesaid, shall be filed in the several and respective Offices of the said several and respective Courts of Great Sessions, and the same shall and may be read and made use of in the said respective Courts to all Intents and