Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/363

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A.D. 1824]

of Action shall arise in one County and the Defendant or Defendants shall reside in another County, such Counties as last aforesaid being within the same Jurisdiction of the said Courts of Great Sessions respectively, it shall and may be lawful that any Writ or Writs to commence any Action within any of the Courts of Great Sessions, shall and may issue, directed to the Sheriff of such County wherein such Defendant or Defendants may reside, such last-mentioned County being within the same Jurisdiction of the said Courts of Great Sessions respectively. Notice being indorsed on such Writ of the County wherein such Action is brought, and which said Writ or Writs shall be deemed legal Process to compel such Defendant or Defendants to appear to such Action or Actions.

14. And be it further enacted, That from and after the passing of this Act, in all Cases in which Judgments shall have been obtained in the Courts of Great Sessions respectively, it shall and may be lawful for the Prothonotary of the Circuits of the said Courts of Great Sessions within which such Judgment has been obtained, and he is hereby required, upon the Application of the Person or Persons so obtaining the same, to issue a testatum Execution against the Defendant or Defendants, his, her, or their Goods and Chattels, directed to the Sheriff of any of the Counties within the same Jurisdiction of such Court of Great Sessions, although such County is not the County within which such Judgment was obtained, in such and the same Manner, and with the same Force and Effect as testatum Executions are issued from the Courts at Westminster into any County on Judgments in Actions where the Venue is laid in another County.

15. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That in all Cases in which any Person shall have commenced any Suit, or have entered any Appearance in any Suit at Law or in Equity instituted in any of the said Courts of Great Sessions, or shall have come in as a Creditor or Purchaser, or otherwise submitted to the Jurisdiction of the said Courts of Great Sessions, but by reason of his or her Residence out of the Jurisdiction of such Courts, or having withdrawn therefrom, his or her Person or Goods cannot be made amenable to the Process thereof, it shall and may be lawful for the said Court of Exchequer in all Suits and Matters in Equity, and in all Suits and Matters at Law for the said Court of Exchequer, and also for the said Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas, upon a Certificate from the proper Officer of the said Courts of Great