Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/366

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[A.D. 1824

such Case, if the Judge who tried the Cause, on Evidence appearing before him, shall certify on the Back of the Record of Nisi Prius, that the Defendant or Defendants was or were resident in the Dominion of Wales at the Time of the Service of the Writ or other Mesne Process served on him, her, or them in such Action, on such Fact being suggested on the Record or Judgment Roll, Judgment of Nonsuit shall be entered against the Plaintiff; and such Defendant or Defendants shall be entitled to and have like Judgment and Remedy thereon, to recover such and the like Costs against the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs in every such Action, as if a Verdict had been given by the Jury for the Defendant or Defendants, unless the Judge before whom such Cause shall be tried shall certify on the Back of the Record that the Freehold or Title of Land was chiefly in question, or that such Cause was proper to be tried in such English County: And whereas it is expedient that so much of the said Act as is herein recited should be repealed, and other Provisions be made in lieu thereof; be it therefore enacted, That so much of the said Act as has been herein recited be and from henceforth shall stand absolutely repealed, and is hereby repealed.

20. And whereas it is also expedient that so much of the said Act of the Thirteenth Year of His late Majesty's Reign which relates to prevent transitory Actions, where the Cause of Action does not amount to Ten Pounds, arising within the said Principality, from being brought in any of His Majesty's Courts of Record out of the said Principality, be repealed, and other and further Provisions substituted in lieu thereof; be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforesaid. That so much of the said last-mentioned Act be and is hereby repealed.

21. And be it further enacted. That in all Actions upon the Case for Words, Action of Debt, Trespass on the Case, Assault and Battery, or other personal Action, and all transitory Actions, which from and after the Sixth Day of November which shall be in the Year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty-four, shall be brought in any of His Majesty's Courts of Record out of the Principality of Wales, and the Debt or Damages found by the Jury shall not amount to the Sum of Fifty Pounds, and it shall appear upon the Evidence given on the Trial of the said Cause, that the Cause of Action arose in the said Principality of Wales, and that the Defendant or Defendants was or were resident in the Dominion of Wales at the Time of the Service of any Writ, or