Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/375

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A.D. 1830]

Sessions of Assizes under His Majesty's Commission within the County of Chester and Principality of Wales shall, in such Order and at such Times as they shall appoint, proceed to hold such Assizes at the several Places where the same have heretofore been most usually held within South Wales; and the other of such Judges shall proceed to hold such Assizes at the several Places where the same have heretofore been more usually held in North Wales; and both of such Judges shall hold the Assizes in and for the County of Chester in like Manner as in other Counties of England.

22. And be it further enacted. That a Defendant who shall hereafter be in Custody of the Gaoler of the County Gaol of any County in England or in the Principality of Wales, by virtue of any Proceeding out of any of His Majesty's superior Courts of Record may be rendered in Discharge of his Bail in any other Action depending in any of the said Courts, in the Manner hereinbefore provided for a Render in Discharge of Bail; and the Keeper of such Gaol, or such Sheriff or other Person responsible for the Custody of Debtors as aforesaid, shall on such Render be duly charged with the Custody of such Defendant, and the said Bail shall be thereupon wholly exonerated from Liability as such.

23. And be it further enacted, That the Salaries of the Judges of the County Palatine of Chester, and of the Judges of the several Courts of Great Sessions in the Principality of Wales, shall, upon the Termination of the said Offices respectively, make Part of the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and a Sum equal to the Amount of each such Salary shall be retained in the Exchequer as Part of the Consolidated Fund, and no Part thereof shall be issued or carried to the Account of the Civil List; any thing in any Act or Acts of Parliament to the contrary notwithstanding.

24. And whereas it is expedient that due Provision should be made for the Compensation of the Judges hereinafter mentioned, and of other Persons having a Freehold in their Offices in the County of Chester or Principality of Wales, for the Losses they may sustain by the Abolition of their Offices or Reduction of their Fees by virtue of this Act; be it therefore enacted. That from and after the Commencement of this Act there shall be issued, paid, and payable, out of and charged upon the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, (after paying or