Page:The steam-engine and other steam-motors; a text-book for engineering colleges and a treatise for engineers.pdf/153

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(c) THE ADIABATIC TABLE.-To facilitate the application of Eq. (116) and the determination of the energy imparted to the jet under any conditions within the range of practice, the numerical quantities given in Table V. have been worked out. Each column is for the initial pressure at the top; and each group of values is for an expansion from this p₁ to the p, marked at the side. That is, the lower line of the cycle, D'C' in Fig. 45, is taken successively at one pressure after another, the top line remaining at AB. This table can best be explained by showing how one set of values was computed: Take the case of an initial pressure of 150 lbs. per sq. in. abso- lute and a terminal pressure of 15 lbs. abs.: the diagram for the operation is given in Fig. 45; and the steam is supposed to be dry and saturated at B, so that t₁ =1. 150 135 120 90 15 0 P 10 15 Fio. 45. Adiabatic Diagram. From the Steam-table, P₁-150 9-330.56 a₁ = .51466 r₁-860.62 by - 1.56656 Pr=15 =.31479 b. 1.4339 9, 181.94 T₁=964.97