Page:The story of Greece told to boys and girls.djvu/20

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She changed her into a spider, Frontispiece

      AT PAGE

Sweet, piercing sweet was the music of Pan's pipe, 6

Demeter rejoiced for her daughter was by her side, 10

The Wind-god sent a gust from the South, 18

For two days and two nights the boat was tossed hither and thither, 20

Often she would stand upon the walls of Troy, 34

'Yea, verily, thou art Odysseus,' 68

In the earliest times, a simple foot-race was the only event, 96

Solon, the wise lawgiver of Athens, 102

They crashed into the Persian army with tremendous force, 136

Ship dashed against ship, till the Persian dead strewed the deep
'like flowers,' 170

He stood silent before the king, 188

The figure of the goddess was a colossal one, 196

He became a target for every arrow, 220

He drank the contents as though it were a draught of wine, 238

The multitude saluted him with loud acclamations, 258

He left the assembly, hiding his face in his cloak, 304

He ran toward the horse and seized the bridle, 310

With an effort he looked at them as they passed, 348