Page:The story of Rome, from the earliest times to the death of Augustus, told to boys and girls (IA storyofromefrome00macg).pdf/209

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When tidings of the fall of Saguntum reached Rome, she sent an embassy to Carthage, at the head of which was a noble named Fabius.

Fabius demanded that Hannibal and his officers should be given up, otherwise Rome would declare war against Carthage.

While the Carthaginians hesitated, Fabius rose, and gathering up the folds of his toga, as though in them he held the fate of the city, he cried, 'I carry here peace and war. Choose, men of Carthage, which ye will.'

'Give us whatever ye wish,' answered the Senate.

Then shaking out the folds of his toga Fabius answered, 'Then here I give ye war,' and without another word he left the Senate-house.

'With that spirit with which ye give it, shall we wage it,' cried the Carthaginians, while the ambassador strode away.

As the shout of the Assembly followed him, Fabius knew that the men of Carthage did not dread his gift.