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Mrs. Rorer's Recipe

Where cow's milk, even when diluted, or partly modified as in the home fashion, disagrees with the infant, this mixture may be used with good results: heat two quarts of milk to 100° F. Add two Junket Tablets dissolved in a tablespoonful of cold water. When the milk is congealed and perfectly solid draw through it backward and forward an ordinary four-tined silver fork; this will separate the curd. Strain through two thicknesses of cheese-cloth, saving the whey as this is the part you are to use; add a pint of water, a half ounce of sugar of milk, three ounces of cream and four ounces of the white of egg. The whites may be dropped into a quart fruit jar, a pint of the whey added, the top screwed on and the jar thoroughly shaken until the whites are well mixed with the whey; then add them to the remaining quantity and stand at once in a very cold place. This will be given in quantities from two to three ounces in an ordinary nursing bottle. RECIPES

of the Nathan Straus Laboratories

Formula by Dr. A. R. Green for 1st to 4th week:—

¾ ounces of 16% Cream
3 " Full Milk
19 " Water
1½ ounces Milk Sugar

This mixture fills 8 bottles—each to contain 3 ounces. Feed 2-1/2 hours apart.

Formula by Prof. A. Jacobi for 3d to 7th month:—

18 ounces of Full Milk
18 " Barley Water
 1 " Cane Sugar
20 grains of Table Salt (less than ¼ teaspoonful)

This mixture fills 6 bottles—each to contain 6 ounces. Feed 3 hours apart.

Formula by Prof. R. G. Freeman for 1st to 3d month:—

1½ ounces of 16% Cream
3 " Full Milk
13 " Water
½ ounce Lime Water
1 " Milk-Sugar

This mixture fills 6 bottles—each to contain 3 ounces. Feed 3 hours apart.