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Most cereals are better cooked in milk than in water and those not familiar with this method have no idea of the many good dishes which they can thus easily provide for their families. Cereals so prepared make an especially good wholesome breakfast or supper for school children and the writer has never seen an adult, who, on a cold night, did not enjoy a dish of rice, or corn meal, boiled in milk and served with cream and sugar for supper. Milk cereals must always be cooked in a double boiler and the milk must be hot when the cereal is added.

Rice 1 cup to 3 cups milk, boil 2 hours
Cornmeal 1 " " 4 " " " 1 to 2 hours
Fine Hominy 1 " " 4 " " " 1 hour
Cream of Wheat 1 " " 4 " " " 1 hour
Farina 1 " " 4 " " " 1 hour

Cream of Wheat or Farina Pudding is also delicious. It is prepared in the same way, but 3/4 cup of cereal only is added to 1 quart hot milk. Just before serving, a teaspoonful of vanilla is added, and two beaten eggs are folded in. It is eaten with cream, or milk, and sugar, or with maple syrup.


Dishes prepared principally of milk, with the addition of either eggs, cheese, meat, or vegetables are particularly adapted for luncheon or supper use. Here again a few standard recipes are given which can be varied to make any desired number of good, wholesome and delicious dishes.