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Heat 1 qt. milk lukewarm, remove from fire, add one package of the prepared Junket and dissolve quickly and thoroughly by vigorous stirring for 1/2 minute only. Pour immediately into individual serving dishes and let stand in warm room until thoroughly set. Place in ice box until serving time. Serve with or without plain or whipped cream.



1 qt. fresh milk
1 Junket Tablet
1 tablespoon cold water

Heat the milk until lukewarm and add the tablet dissolved in the cold water. Allow it to set in a warm room. Then break up the curd gently and strain it through two thicknesses of cheese-cloth, being careful to remove all the casein. Cool at once and serve cold, without or with sweetening, and flavor as desired.

Lemon Whey

1 qt. hot milk
3 tablespoons sugar
½ cup lemon juice

Heat the milk in a double boiler and add the lemon juice. Cook without stirring until the whey separates. Strain through cheese-cloth and add the sugar. Serve hot or cold, garnished with small slices of lemon.

Cinnamon and Milk

1 qt. new milk
Stick cinnamon

Boil milk with sufficient cinnamon to flavor as desired. Sweeten and serve warm or cold.

Rice Milk

1 ounce rice
1 pint milk
1 saltspoon salt
1 teaspoon sugar

Soak the rice twelve hours. Add the scalded milk, salt and sugar.