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1. A tablespoonful of milk put in the pan before frying eggs will keep them tender.

2. Covering cold chicken or other meat with buttermilk will keep it for twenty-four hours or more, without affecting the meat except to make it more tender.

3. Custards and ice cream kept too long in warm weather may cause ptomaine poisoning.

4. Keep milk covered to shut out flavors from other food.

5. Milk warm from the cow should not be kept in a closed receptacle.

6. Danish cooks soak a piece of veal in skim milk overnight before roasting it, to improve the flavor.

7. Sliced ham covered with milk and baked in a moderate oven for an hour has delicate flavor and is always tender.


Dairy and household thermometers

In the United States and Canada as well as in England Fahrenheit's thermometer is generally used according to which water freezes at 32° and boils at 212° at ordinary air pressure, leaving 180 degrees between the freezing and the boiling point. In some countries in Europe Réaumur's thermometer is used with 0° for the freezing point and 80° for boiling. In France and for scientific work in all countries, however, the Celcius or Centigrade system is employed for measuring heat