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The Common Sense of the Milk Question; John Spargo, The Macmillan Company, New York.

Practical Dairy Husbandry; X. A. Willard, Excelsior Publishing House, New York.

Maelkeri Bakteriologi; Orla-Jensen, Copenhagen.

Maelkeribruget i Danmark, Bernhard Boggild, Copenhagen.

Mejerivaesenet i Nord-Amerika; J. D. Frederiksen, Copenhagen.

Modern Dairy Guide; Martin H. Meyer, Madison, Wis.

La Laiterie; A. F. Pouriau, Librairie Audot, Lebroc & Cie, Paris.

The Dairying Industry in Canada; J. A. Ruddick, Dept. of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada.

Canadian Dairying; Henry H. Dean, William Briggs, Toronto.

The Business of Dairying; Clarence B. Lane, Orange Judd Co., New York.

Questions and Answers on Buttermaking; Chas. A. Publow, Orange Judd Company, New York.

The Prolongation of Life; Elie Metchnikoff, G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York.

The Bacillus of Long Life; Loudon M. Douglas, G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York.

The Book of Butter; Edward Sewall Guthrie, The Macmillan Co., New York.

The Care and Feeding of Children; L. Emmett Holt, M. D., D. Appleton & Co.

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