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in milk at ordinary room temperature, 68° to 70°, which emphasizes the importance of keeping milk cool.

Relative growth of bacteria when held at different temperatures

          | No. of | | | |
 Tem. of | bacteria | At end | At end | At end of| At end of
   Milk |per c.c. at| of 6 hrs. | of 12 hrs.| 24 hrs. | 40 hrs.
          | beginning | | | |
    °F. | | | | |
    50 | 10 | 12 | 15 | 41 | 62
    68 | 10 | 17 | 242 | 61,280 | 3,574,990

Milk cooler

The diagram (after Conn) shows the rapidity with which bacteria multiply in milk not properly cooled. A single bacterium (a) in 24 hours multiplied to 5 (b) in milk kept at 50° F.; (c) represents the number that develop from a single bacterium in milk kept 24 hours at 70° F.

If the milk had contained 1,000 bacteria per cubic centimeter at the beginning, the part held at 50° F. would have contained 4,100 bacteria at the end of 24 hours, while that held at 68° F. would have contained