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Caramel Ice Cream:

5 gallons 25% cream
8 lbs. sugar
12 oz. caramel
4 oz. vanilla extract

Coffee Ice Cream:

5 gallons 25% cream
8 lbs. cane sugar
Extract from 1 lb. coffee

Mint Ice Cream:

5 gallons 25% cream
8 lbs. cane sugar
1 pt. concentrated Creme de Menthe syrup
Few drops green coloring.

II. Nut Ice Cream is a frozen product made from cream and sugar and sound non-rancid nuts.

Walnut Ice Cream:

5 gallons 25% cream
8 lbs. cane sugar
4 oz. vanilla extract
4 lbs. of walnut meats.

According to this general formula the following nut ice creams may be prepared by substituting different kinds of nut meats:

Chestnut Ice Cream
Filbert Ice Cream
Hazelnut Ice Cream
Pecan Ice Cream
Peanut Ice Cream
Almond Ice Cream
Pistachio Ice Cream.

At times pistachio ice cream is made from oil of pistachio instead of from the nuts. If thus prepared, it will come under the head of plain ice cream.