Page:The story of the flute (IA storyofflute1914fitz).djvu/158

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Story of the Flute

we have one flute and two oboes playing quite long and delightfully fresh passages entirely alone. Duets for

Haydn, Military Symphony.

\new GrandStaff <<
  \new Staff = "flute" \with {
    instrumentName = "FLUTE."
    midiInstrument = "flute"
  } \relative c'' {
    \key g \major
    d'2(\p e4) g\staccato
    d2 \acciaccatura {e8} d4 c8( b)
    a2( b4) d
    a2( b4) d
    c c8( d) b4\staccato b8( c)
    a4\staccato a\staccato a\staccato b\staccato
    c8( d e d) c4 b
  \new Staff = "oboe" \with {
    instrumentName = "2 OBOES."
    midiInstrument = "oboe"
  } <<
    \new Voice = "first" \relative c'' {
      \key g \major
      b'2 c
      b \stemUp \acciaccatura {c8} b4 a8 g
      fis2( g4) b
      fis2( g4) b
      a a8 b g4 g8 a
      fis4 fis fis g
      a8 b c b a4 g
    \new Voice = "second" \relative c'' {
      g'2 g
      g r4 g,8 b
      d4 c(_\trill b) g
      d' c(_\trill b) g
      fis r g r
      d' r r2
      d4 r d r
\layout {
  indent = 2\cm
flute and bassoon in octaves frequently occur in his works, and, like Mozart, he is fond of writing melodiousHaydn's Symphonies passages for the flute, clarinet, and bassoon in three distinct octaves. The finale to the Seventh Symphony has a regular solo for two flutes in thirds. His flute passages avoid the notes at either extreme of the compass, and as a rule lie between F′ and F′′′. They have a delightful freshness and are skilfully written to display the beauties of the middle register of the old flute. He often gives the flute a little ascending passage quite

{\clef treble
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f %hide the automatic time signature
\key bes \major
r32 f'[ a' c''] ees''[ f'' a'' c'''] ees'''2}
alone at the end of a phrase or movement, as in the Largo of the Twelfth Symphony—