Page:The story of the flute (IA storyofflute1914fitz).djvu/170

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Story of the Flute

Weber, Der Freischütz. The Hermit's Song.

\new Staff \with {
  instrumentName = "FLUTE."
  midiInstrument = "flute"
} \relative c'' {
  \key d \major
  \time 6/8
  \tempo "Allegretto"
  \partial 4 b8\staccato_\markup {\italic "dolce"} cis\staccato
  d\staccato cis\staccato b~ b16 ais( b cis d e)
  fis4.~ fis8 e\staccato fis\staccato
  g\staccato fis\staccato e~ e16 dis( e fis g a)
\layout {
  indent = 2\cm

lively little tune in octave with the solo 'cello, and the Hermit's song in the finale of the same opera; the

Preciosa, ii, Lied No. 6.

\new Staff \with {midiInstrument = "flute"} \relative c'' {
  \key d \major
  \time 6/8
  \tempo "Larghetto. (Auf dem Theater.)"
  fis'8.(\p cis16 d gis,) a8.( eis16 fis cis)
  d a d fis a d fis4.\fermata
  r4 r8 r16 d,16(\staccato fis\staccato a\staccato d\staccato fis)\staccato
  g4 r8 r16 g16(\staccato e\staccato c\staccato a\staccato g)\staccato
  fis8 r r r16 a,( g' e a g)
  fis([ a d8)] e16([ fis] g[ dis e e, a g]
  fis4) r8 r16 g,16 b d g b
  e4. r16 a,, cis e a cis
  d4( b16 g fis4 d8)
  cis8( a16 g e8) e4( d8)
  d16([ a' fis d' a fis')] a16.([ d32] fis8.[ d16)]
  cis4.(\trill \grace {b16 cis)} d4 r8

lovely woodwind passage at the opening of the third scene in Preciosa, the Lied, No. 6, in the same, and the

Weber, Oberon, Finale, Act II., " Let us sail over the sea."

\new Staff \with {midiInstrument = "flute"} \relative c'' {
  \key b \major
  \time 2/4
  \tempo "Allego giocoso assai"
  \override TupletBracket.bracket-visibility = ##f
  fis4(\trill \grace {eis16 fis} b8) \tuplet 3/2 {fis16( dis b)}
  dis'8\staccato \tuplet 3/2 {fis,16( dis b)} fis''8\staccato \tuplet 3/2 {fis,16( dis b)}
  \tuplet 6/4 4 {e( fis gis a ais b cis b ais a gis fisis)}
  gis2\accent^\markup {\italic "ten"}
  fis4(\trill \grace {eis16 fis} ais8)\staccato \tuplet 3/2 {fis16( cis ais)}
  cis'8\staccato \tuplet 3/2 {fis,16( cis ais)} e''8 \tuplet 3/2 {fis,16( cis ais)}
  \tuplet 6/4 4 {b cis dis e eis fis gis fis eis e dis cisis)}
  dis2\accent^\markup {\italic "ten"}