Page:The story of the flute (IA storyofflute1914fitz).djvu/183

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Schubert and Schumann

Schubert gives the flutes a good deal of solo work; sometimes he uses only one. The scherzo of the Ninth Symphony contains a delicious melody givenSchubert
to the flute: this was an afterthought. In the overture to Rosamunde von Cypern (op. 26) we find a remarkable scale passage for the flute alone. Important solo passages occur also in the overtures in Italian style and Des Teufel's Lustschloss. The Sixth Symphony (andante) has a Haydn-like passage for two flutes and two oboes; they are subsequently joined by the clarinet. He is skilful in contrasting the tone of the different wood-wind, and in the Rosamunde ballet music and entre-act makes the flute, oboe, and clarinet converse with one another in a most delightful manner. Schubert never uses the piccolo in his symphonies; but it is to be found in several of his (now-forgotten) operas, which also contain several important flute solos. As a rule he employs only the upper register of the flute, often ascending to the

Schumann, Symphony, No. 1, Cadenza.

\new Staff \with {
  instrumentName = \markup \center-column {
                                            \line {FLUTES.}
                                            \line {with Bass\super{n}}
                                            \line {in 8ves from +}
  midiInstrument = "flute"
} \relative c'' {
  \key bes \major
  \tempo "Andante"
  \appoggiatura {b'16\p^"1st." c\< d} c1~\startTrillSpan
  c2\>\stopTrillSpan b8\! c ees c \bar ""
  gis a c a d ees g! ees \bar ""
  b c ees c f fis a g \bar ""
  f!_\markup {\italic "poco ritard."} e ees d c bes! a g! \bar ""
  f\prall e f g a bes c^"+" cis
  ees(\p d) <bes cis>_"2nd Fl." <bes d> <b f'> d <a f'> c
  c( bes) <f a> <f bes> <f d'> bes <fis d'> a
  << {a( g) fis g d'^\markup {\italic "a tempo"} g, d' f,} \\ {r4 d8 d d r d4~} >>
  << {d'8( f,) c'( e,)} \\ {d4 c} >> \stemUp f4 r
\layout {
  indent = 2\cm