Page:The story of the flute (IA storyofflute1914fitz).djvu/195

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Wagner, Tristan. Beginning of Act II.

\new Staff \with {
  instrumentName = "FLUTE."
  midiInstrument = "flute"
} \relative c'' {
  \key bes \major
  \time 2/2
  f'2~(\p^\markup \center-column {\bold "Sehr" \bold "lebhaft"} f8 e ees d
  c[ bes] a4. c8 \tuplet 3/2 {bes[ g ees]}
  d des c g' f e bes' a)
  g( ges f c' bes a ees' c)
  <b f'>2~(\pp f'8 e ees d
  << {c bes a4 c \tuplet 3/2 {d8 g, ees}} \\ {fis2 g4~ g8 r} >>
  d cis bes) r r2
\layout {
  indent = 2\cm

Wagner, Götterdämmerung. Act III., sc. 2

\new Staff \with {
  instrumentName = "1st FLUTE."
  midiInstrument = "flute"
} \relative c'' {
  \time 12/8
  r8\p c( d e f g a2.)~
  a8 r r r a4~\> a8\! r a16[ a] a8[ r a16 a]
  a8\staccato fis\staccato a\staccato 
    d\staccato b8.\staccato a16\staccato
    a8\staccato fis\staccato e\staccato
    d\staccato b\staccato d\staccato
  fis\staccato\pp d\staccato fis\staccato a2( f'8) r \bar "|"
\layout {
  indent = 2\cm

Wagner, Siegfried. Birds in Finale to Act II.

\new GrandStaff <<
  \new Staff = "flute" \with {
    instrumentName = "3 FLUTES"
    midiInstrument = "flute"
  } \relative c'' {
    \key e \major
    \tweak text "bis."
    r8\p <d g>16( <b f'>) r8 <d g>16( <b f'>) r8 <d g>16( <b f'>) r8 <d g>16( <b f'>)
    r8 <e a>16( <c g'>) r8 <e a>16( <c g'>) r8 <e a>16( <c g'>) r8 <e a>16( <c g'>)_"etc."
  \new Staff = "violin" \with {
    instrumentName = \markup \center-column {
                                              "1st VIOLINS"
    midiInstrument = "violin"
  } \relative c'' {
    \key e \major
    gis,8 r b r d r e r
    c' r g r e' r c r_"etc."
\layout {
  indent = 2\cm
  \context {
    \consists Measure_spanner_engraver

\new Staff \with {
  instrumentName = \markup \center-column {
                                            "1 PICCOLO"
                                            "& 3 FLUTES."
  midiInstrument = "flute"
} \relative c'' {
  \key e \major
  \time 12/8
  \partial 1 << {b'1\startTrillSpan\ff^"Picc."} \\ {r2 r8_"3 Fl." b16[ b] \tuplet 3/2 {b8[ b b]}} >>
  \appoggiatura {ais16 b cis} b8\staccato\stopTrillSpan_"and Picc." gis\staccato b\staccato
    e\staccato cis8.\staccato b16\staccato
    b8\staccato r8 b16\staccato b\staccato
    b8\staccato b\staccato b\staccato
  \appoggiatura {a16 b cis} b8\staccato gis\staccato b\staccato e\staccato cis8.\staccato b16\staccato cis2 \bar "|"
\layout {
  indent = 2\cm

piccolo part at all, and often only a few isolated notes in an entire movement. One feels that he could almost dispense with the flute altogether, and I rather suspect that he had an antipathy to the instrument. He chiefly makes use of the higher register, writing right up to