Page:The strange experiences of Tina Malone.djvu/64

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All the way to Kitty's I was telepathing to this being I thought was Tony.

There were many "voices" now and among them I seemed to hear Sybil's and her mother's and the voice of Dr. Morton and someone else's—a nurse or sister.

I wondered if Sybil were ill and had a professional nurse in attendance—Sybil and her mother seemed to be discussing me—I suppose they heard me telepathing to poor mad Tony. They seemed to be deciding whether I were not always a "little queer." I told them I could hear what they said and Sybil then said that they had better be careful what they said for I was clairaudient. Then I heard Sybil's mother saying how sweet and gentle she thought I always was. Then I heard the indignant Sister's voice, saying that she had known me well years before and that they must say no ill of me for she would neither hear nor believe it.

And all this time, while these voices threw words at each other in some hidden world, I was struggling up the paddock only longing for the Voice of Silence. Then I heard Sybil's mother say:

"No, I will not believe it is she until I see if Kitty meets her. I love Kitty and I know so well her gentle ways. If I hear Kitty's voice I will know it is Tina."

Then followed the most terrible thing.

Little by little fears came crowding into my mind.

Kitty gave me the verandah room to sleep in, but though I kept telling her I was hearing "voices" she would only look sorry and change the subject.

So I resolved to keep things to myself.

They knew nothing of all I was going through. All they knew was that I was there, very absent minded, listening to those voices which they could not hear, so how could they know what I suffered.

And then the voices grew quicker—more crowded.

They told me I was in the Secret Service, that a motorcar was to come for me, was on the way then; that another was to follow with Sybil and her mother and Dr. Morton, that they were coming to save. Then I heard Mont Jones'