Page:The student's spelling-book, designed to teach the orthography and orthoepy of the English languages, as contained in Webster's American dictionary.djvu/164

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OLNEY'S QUARTO GEOGRAPHY. The Maps in this work contain but little besides what the pupil is required to learn, consequently it facilitates the progress of the pupil, and saves labor on the part of the teacher. This Geography was pre- pared at the suggestion of many of the teachers, and is already extensively intro- duced from preference. Few books have proved so uniformly acceptable for common schools. OLNEY'S SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY AND ATLAS. This world-renowned book is not behind any of its competitors, in point of execution and accuracy. The Atlas is probably superior to any other, and contains a Map of the World as known to the Ancients, besides numerous important Tables. The whole work is as complete and correct as a new book, and will continue to maintain its charac- ter, though alterations will be avoided as far as possible. OLNEY'S OUTLINE MAPS, AND OLNEY'S PRIMARY GEOGRAPHY, are intended for young pupils, by the same author. BENTLEY'S PICTORIAL SPELLING BOOK. A beautifully illustrated and highly attractive book for children. GALLAUDET'S ILLUSTRATIVE DEFINER. The best book for teaching the right use of words, and the art of composition. KIRKHAM'S EXERCISES IN ELOCUTION. THE STUDENT'S PRIMER, by J. S. Denman. Being on a plan somewhat new, this Primer has obtained great popularity. THE STUDENT'S SPEAKER, for young pupils. THE STUDENT'S SPELLING-BOOK, on the Analytical plan, by the author of the u Student's Primer." THE WORKS OF VIRGIL, WITH COPIOUS NOTES, &c: also, a Table of Reference. By Rev. J. G. Cooper, A. M. (tomstock's Series of 23ooks of tfje Sciences, t>i}. f INTRODUCTION TO NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, for children. SYSTEM OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, revised and enlarged. NEW ELEMENTS OF CHEMISTRY. THE YOUNG BOTANIST, for beginners, with cuts. ELEMENTS OF BOTANY AND VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY, with cuts. OUTLINES OF PHYSIOLOGY, both comparative and human. (NEW) ELEMENTS OF GEOLOGY. ELEMENTS OF MINERALOGY. NATURAL HISTORY OF BEASTS AND BIRDS, showing their compara- tive size, and containing anecdotes, illustrating their habits and instincts. The immense sale of Dr. Comstock's books, renders it probable that they are familiar to most teachers. They are so admirably adapted to the school-room, that the " Philosophy " has been republished in several European countries. Revised editions of several of these works have been recently issued, including late discov- eries and improvements. The publications of P., W. & Co. are well printed, and neatly and substantially bound. They are also furnished at low prices. P., W. & Co. have always for sale an assortment of School and Miscellaneous Books, Blank Books, Paper, Pens, and Stationery, suited to the wants of Country Loalers. I ill? -»