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Anthony Comstock, Fighter

Illustrated, 12mo, cloth, net $1.25.

An authorized biography of this great fighter for purity. The story is one of life-and-death adventure, moral and physical heroism, and incomparable achievement. During the thirty years in which Mr. Comstock has been working for the suppression of vice he has destroyed over 43 tons of vile books, 28,425 pounds of stereotype plates, two and a half million obscene pictures and 12,945 negatives. The detailed account of how all this was done is a most thrilling and remarkable story.


Brigham Young and His Mormon Empire

Illustrated, 8vo, cloth, net $1.50.

Ex-Senator Cannon's personal acquaintance with this apostle of the Mormon Church and his knowledge of the religion and the people gained by having been born and brought up in the heart of Mormondom, give more than usual authority and interest to this biography. This life story of the man who founded a Mohammedan kingdom in a puritan republic sets forth in true perspective, in impartial and unbiased manner, the facts about one of the most romantic and interesting characters in American history.


Frances Willard: Her Life and Her Work

By Ray Strachey. With an Introduction by Lady Henry Somerset. Illustrated, 8vo, cloth, net $1.50.

A notable new life of the great temperance advocate written by an English woman from an entirely new standpoint. Mrs. Strachey, the granddaughter of the author of "A Christian's Secret of a Happy Life," had immediate access to Miss Willard's letters, journals and papers, and the benefit of her grandmother's advice and knowledge.

Israel Zangwill says of the book, "A masterpiece of condensation, an adequate biography of perhaps the greatest woman America has produced. Nobody can read this book without becoming braver, better, wiser."


Nathan Sites:

Introduction by Bishop W. F. McDowell. Oriental Hand-Painted Illustrations, gilt top, net $1.50.

This is one of the notable books of the year. China looms large in current political and religious interest, so that this life story of one who for nearly half a century has been closely identified with social and religious reform in that country must have a large place in current literature.