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R. Th. Christiansen.
FFC 24

Here follows a list of the versions:

I. Asia.

India (Ind.)[1] 1. The Pamirs. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal I. 45, 180, cfr. Cosquin p. 90 (I A 1, CD, II A, III A, IV A, V A). — 2. The Himalayas. Minaef: Індиска скаски и легенды (1877 p. 42), cfr. Cosquin p. 91 (I div[2], II DB, IV A, V B 1). — 3. Minaef 16, Cosquin 93 (I BCD 1, II A, III AD, IV A, V AB 1). — 4. Kathakoca edd Tawney p. 160: The story of Lalitanga (div. I BD, II A 1, III A, IV A, V div). — 5. Mirzapur. North Indian Notes and Queries V, p. 103, 225 (I BCD 2, II B, III ADB, IV A, V D). — 6. Mirzapur. ib. III p. 47, 102 (I AE, II A, III DB, IV A, V B 1). — 7. Bengal. Indian Antiquary 1875, cfr. Clouston: Popular Tales and Fictions I p. 256, Cosquin p. 91 (I AD 2, II B, III BD, IV A, V AB 1). — 8. South India: Charity alone conquers. Indian Antiquary XIII p. 285 = H. Kingscote: Tales of the Sun (1890) p. 65 (I BCD, II div, III—V div). — 9. Malvi. Kota. G. A. Grierson Linguistic Survey of India IX 2, 262 (I AD 2, II B, III BD, IV A, V B). — 10. Panjab. Steel and Temple: Wide Awake Stories p. 290. Prince Half a Son (div II ABD, III B, IV A, V AB 1). — 11. South India. Indian Antiquary 1884 p. 285, cfr. Clouston. Pop. T. a. F. I 260, Cosquin 94 (I AC, II—V div).

Ceylon (Ceyl.) The Orientalist 1885 p. 150, Clouston Pop. T. a. F. I 464 (I A 1, CD, II B, III A div, IV A, V AB 1).

Annam (An.) A. Landes: Contes et Legendes Annamites (1886) nr. 105 (I AD 2, II B, III D div, IV A, V AB 1).

Corea (Kor.) Chemulpo: The Tale of the Envious Brother. Journal of American Folklore X 382 (I A, II DAB, III CB, IV A, V AB 1).

  1. As to the indications for lands and people, refer to A. Aarne Leitfaden FF Communications 13 p. 66.
  2. div = divergent.