Page:The time spirit; a romantic tale (IA timespiritromant00snaiiala).pdf/144

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  • minated in the presentation of Joe, who then became the

most embarrassed of the three. Unawares and in his shirt sleeves, he had been entertaining an angel. And to one of Conservative views, with a profound reverence for law, order and all established things, this seemed to verge upon indecency. A mere "one of Scotchie's lady canvassers" had been magically transformed, in the twinkling of an eye, into Lady Muriel Dinneford, the third daughter of one whom Number Five, Beaconsfield Villas, always alluded to as "his Grace."


It was the work of a few tactful minutes for Lady Muriel to effect a discreet retirement from the scene. Yet so deeply had she been engaged by Joe's contumacy, and at the back of a mind which was making the most heroic efforts to be "broad" was such a sense of amusement, that she declared her intention of returning anon with the People's Candidate, if he could possibly spare a few minutes from his multifarious duties, in order that the coup de grâce might be given to Mr. Kelly's dangerous heresies.

The withdrawal of the distinguished visitor across the street to the Candidate's committee room left a void which for a few tense moments only wonder could fill.

It was Joe who broke the silence which, like a pall, had suddenly descended upon the front parlor of Number Five.

"If that don't beat Banagher," he said. "Fancy one of the Fam'ly taking the trouble to come a canvassin' for Scotchie!"