Page:The traitor; a story of the fall of the invisible empire (IA traitorstoryoffa00dixo).pdf/335

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"Nasah! dat I didn't!"

"Do you know that if you swear a lie——"

"I ain't swar no lie!" Isaac interrupted with religious fervour. "I'se de Lord's Sanctified One, sah. I ain't done no sin since I got sanctification. Yassah, praise God!"

"Don't you know," repeated the lawyer, "that if you swear to a lie on that witness stand you can be sent to the penitentiary for perjury?"

"I knows dey ain't gwine sen' me dar—I knows dat," Isaac said with a grin, and his Negro acquaintances in the jury box laughed.

The lawyer changed his line of questions.

"You say you saw John Graham strike the death-blow?"

"Yassah, I see 'im wid dese very eyes."

"Were you close enough to hear what was said?"

"Yassah, I wuz right dar by de open winder."

"What did he say?"

"Des ez he raise de knife he say, "I got you now, you d—— Black Radical 'Publican!"

"You swear that you heard him say that he killed the Judge because he was a Republican?"

"Yassah! dat's what de Ku Kluxes kill 'em all fur, sah!"

Larkin shuffled uneasily, bent again in conference with Steve who rose immediately and asked for an adjournment of two hours.