Page:The traitor; a story of the fall of the invisible empire (IA traitorstoryoffa00dixo).pdf/70

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spiked helmet, and without realising it suddenly reined his horse to a stand—and the whole line halted.

"The leader whispered to a tall figure by his side, apparently his orderly, who turned to the line behind and shouted."

"Boys! three cheers for the little gal at the gate! She's all right! The purtiest little gal in the countee—oh!"

A rousing cheer rose from the ranks.

A ripple of sweet girlish laughter broke the silence which followed, the lace handkerchief fluttered again and the line moved slowly on.

Stella counted them.

"Only forty men. And they dared a regiment!" With another laugh, she deserted Suggs and disappeared in the flowers and shrubbery toward the house as the last echoes of the raiders died away in the distance.

The Clansmen descended a hill, turned sharply to the right toward the river and broke into a quick gallop. Within thirty minutes they entered a forest on the river bank, and down its dim aisles, lit by moonbeams, slowly wound their way to their old rendezvous.

The signal was given to dismount and disrobe the horses. Within a minute the white figures gathered about a newly opened grave.