Page:The travels of Macarius, Patriarch of Antioch - Volume I.djvu/42

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Travels of Macarius.

as was the ancient custom. With this they were exceedingly pleased; as, in contrariety to those who preceded him, he had done the civility required: and they immediately sent him a Συστατιϰὸν (or Patriarchal Letter), with permission, in the fullest magnificence. And now, in the evening, our Lord the Patriarch begged leave to visit them the following day. On Thursday morning, therefore, the Patriarch of Constantinople sent to him, at the moment of his intended coming, the aforesaid Metropolitans; who repaired to his presence, and conducted him to the Patriarch's palace. As soon as he entered the gate, two priests met him; the one carrying the Gospel, the other an image; and also the deacons, with the thurible, dressed in their copes: and he kissed the Gospel and the image, according to custom; and the Deacons incensed him. Then one of the Metropolitans put into his hand a silver crosier; and the singing chaplains (المصليين) began to chaunt Ἄξιον ἐστὶν, till they entered with him into the Patriarchal church, which is dedicated in the name of St. George. Whilst he was performing his devotions to the images which are upon the door of the tabernacle, behold the Patriarch of Constantinople came down; and, entering the church in his μανδύα (pall), stood before his throne. They placed our Lord the Patriarch at a throne opposite to him. And the deacon said, "Have mercy on us, O God, according to thy great mercy:" and he made mention of Alexis, Emperor of Moscow, and of the Empress Maria; of Vasili Beg, of Moldavia, and his consort Katherina; of Matthew Beg, of Wallachia, and his wife Helena; then of Kyr Paisius, the Patriarch of Constantinople, and Kyr Macarius, Patriarch of Antioch; and the chaplains chaunted at each name Κύριε ἐλέισον ("O Lord, have mercy upon us"), three times.

Upon the conclusion of the service by the officiating priest, the two Patriarchs came down from their thrones; and having granted pardon to each other for their faults, they walked together, two persons preceding them with large silver candlesticks holding a camphor-taper; and the Metropolitans following behind, till they mounted up to the Patriarch"s divan. Here they sat down to table, whilst the chaplains continued to sing. The Constantinopolitan treated our Lord with all attention, and abundant kindness and good-will. They presented so many different kinds of food, and such varieties of wine, that their description is impossible. Towards the evening, the Patriarchs went down to perform the evening prayers; and then took leave of each other. Our Lord the Patriarch returned to the Monastery, with the Metropolitans and clergy before and behind him; with the Kabi Kachia (قبي كاخيا)