Page:The troublesome raigne and lamentable death of Edvvard the Second, King of England - with the tragicall fall of proud Mortimer - and also the life and death of Peirs Gauestone (IA trovblesomeraign00marl).pdf/61

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of Edward the Second

Father, farewell: Leister thou staist for me,
And goe I must, Life farewell with my friends. Exeunt Edward and Lancaster.

O is he gone! is Noble Edward gone,
Parted from hence, never to see us more!
Rent Sphere of Heaven, and fire forsake thy Orbe,
Earth melt to Aire, gone is my Soveraigne,
Gone, gone alas, never to make returne.

Spencer, I see our soules are fleeting hence,
We are depriv'd the sun-shine of our life,
Make for a new life man, throw up thy eyes,
And heart and hand to Heavens immortall Throne,
Pay Natures debt with cheerefull countenance,
Reduce we all our Lessons unto this,
To dye sweet Spencer, therefore live we all,
Spencer, all live to dye, and rise to fall.

Come, come, keepe these preachments till you come to the place appointed.
You, & such as you are, have made wise work in England.
Will your Lordships away?

Your worship I trust will remember me?

Remember thee fellow? what else?
Follow me to the Towne.

Enter the King, Leicester, with a Bishop for
the Crowne.

Be patient good my Lord, cease to lament,
Imagine Killingworth Castell were your Court:
And that you lay for pleasure heere a space,
Not of compulsion or necessity.

Leister, if gentle words might comfort me,
Thy speeches long agoe had eas'd my sorrowes,
For kinde and loving hast thou alwayes beene:
The griefes of private men are soone allaid,
But not of Kings, the Forrest Deere being strucke,
Runnes to an Herbe that closeth up the wounds,
But when the imperiall Lyons flesh is gor'd,
He rends, and teares it with his wrathfull paw,
Highly scorning, that the lowly earth
