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You like the things I used to like, The things I'm fond of still,

The sound of fairy wands that strike Men into beasts at will ;

The cruel stepmother, the fair Stepdaughter, kind and leal,

The bull and bear so debonair, The trenchant fairy steel.

You love the world where brute and fish Converse with man and bird,

Where dung^.cr? open at c, unsh, And seo.s, dry at a word. .


That merry world to-lay we leave,

We list an ower- true lalo, Of hearts thc't sof-e for Chtrlfr jrieve,


Of gallant races overthrown,

Of dungeons ill to climb, There's no stich tale of trouble known,

In all the fairy time.

There Montezuma still were king, There Charles would wear the crown*

And there the Highlanders would ding The Hanoverian down :