Page:The unhallowed harvest (1917).djvu/102

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"I very deeply appreciate," he said, "the kind thought of Mr. Westgate. I shall be glad to discuss with him, at any time, the questions that have been raised here to-night. But I do not ask for the withdrawal of the resolution. If there is to be a breach between my vestry and me, it may as well come now as later. If my appeals to the rich and my concern for the poor have brought me into disrepute with this body, the situation is not likely to grow less acute. For I say to you plainly that, even if you were to adopt this resolution by unanimous vote, I should continue to preach not only the straight, but the whole gospel of Christ. And it is a gospel that demands the abolition of classes, the recognition of the humble, the placing of the toiler, no matter what the character of his toil, on the same social plane with you in every phase of the life of the Church. If you knew these people as I do, if you understood them as I do, if you loved them as I do, you would bid me Godspeed in my work. And it is because I want you to know them and love them and honor them that I shall not cease to preach as I have done, to you and to them, until my object in so preaching shall have been fully accomplished. So, gentlemen, if you choose to throw down the gauntlet, I shall pick it up; and God shall stand as judge between us."

Claybank, who was still on his feet, and who was still holding his eye-glasses in one trembling hand, and his resolution in the other, broke in immediately.

"In deference to Mr. Westgate," he said, "for whose judgment I have great respect, I will withdraw my resolution. But I want to give notice now, that if there is a continuance, as has been threatened, of the kind of sermons we have been having of late, I shall, at the next meeting of the vestry, offer a resolution demanding the immediate resignation of the Reverend Mr. Farrar as rector of Christ Church."

"Mr. Chairman, I protest against this attempt to muzzle a true servant of Christ!"