Page:The unhallowed harvest (1917).djvu/179

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of the Church to present that knowledge to those in authority:

"And Whereas, the members of this vestry believe that the Reverend Robert Bruce Farrar, minister of Christ Church, has violated certain canons of the Church, and certain rubrics of the Book of Common Prayer, in that he has held and taught publicly, privately and advisedly, doctrines contrary to those held by the Church; and has officiated at the burial of the dead and administered the holy communion in a manner contrary to that ordered by the said rubrics:

"Therefore, be it Resolved that we, the vestry of Christ Church, desire a separation and dissolution of the pastoral relation now existing between the said minister and the parish of Christ Church, and that we present a notice in writing to that effect to the Right Reverend, the Bishop of this diocese, and pray his judgment accordingly."

"I move the adoption of the resolution," said Mr. Hughes.

"I second the motion," added Mr. Cochrane.

Emberly was on his feet in an instant; but before he could speak the rector had risen.

"If my friend Mr. Emberly will pardon me," he said, "and permit me to interrupt him, I desire to say that it is my preference that there shall be no controversy over this resolution. I am informed that a majority of the members of the vestry have already pledged themselves to its support. Argument, therefore, which might lead to harsh words and unfriendly thoughts, and would be a mere waste of the time occupied in making it, had better be avoided. However, lest there should be any possible doubt as to my attitude, let me say now that I deny absolutely the charges