Page:The unhallowed harvest (1917).djvu/227

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Bosworth came out followed by Colonel Boston, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Cochrane and Mr. Rapalje.

Miss Chichester's curiosity was so greatly aroused as to the meaning of this meeting of vestrymen that she came near losing sight, for the moment, of the purpose of her own errand. But when she was once in Westgate's room with Barry, there was no delay in making the object of her visit known.

"I've brought Barry with me," she said, "because I want him to hear the disclosures I am about to make—they so deeply concern him—and because he will need good, sound advice the moment he hears them."

For the first time Barry looked worried.

"I don't know what she's got up her sleeve, Phil; honest I don't. I haven't said a word to her that she could construe as a promise of any kind."

There was a twinkle in Westgate's eye.

"I'm afraid you're in bad, Barry," he said. "Jane has a mighty determined look on her face this morning."

"But, Phil, old man, you know very well that I wouldn't for the world deceive any woman; and what's more Jane has never——"

But at that point Jane herself interrupted him.

"Oh, Barry, you silly fellow! It's a warning I want to give you, not an ultimatum. And Phil's a lawyer and he can tell you what to do. I always knew it, but I had no proof. Now I have the evidence. I saw it with my own eyes."

"Saw what?" asked Westgate.

"Saw him hug and kiss her."

Barry started from his chair.

"I never did!" he exclaimed. "I never even tried to. Jane, you've made a terrible mistake!"

"Now, Barry," said Westgate, "just restrain yourself for a few minutes and we'll ask Miss Chichester to explain. Jane, will you please begin at the beginning and tell us the entire story?"