Page:The unhallowed harvest (1917).djvu/288

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minister. A maid announced that Miss Chichester was in the drawing-room and desired to see Mr. Farrar at once.

"Say to her that I will soon be at liberty," said the rector.

"We shall keep you but a few minutes," declared Mrs. Bradley.

But Barry looked up with startled eyes and exclaimed:

"Oh, I'm sure Jane is in no haste. It's—nothing important. She needn't wait. Let her come back later."

But the maid had already disappeared, and Mr. Farrar made no effort to modify the message sent to his waiting guest.

"What I came for," said Mrs. Bradley, "is to tell you that in my judgment the time has come for you to drop your fight against the opposing forces in your church, and make terms with your vestry."

"Mrs. Bradley! Why do you come to me with that message? You have been one of my most valiant supporters."

"Because they are going to crush you unless you yield. Your church is already on the way to destruction."

"That's treason, Mrs. Bradley. Have you changed your opinion about the righteousness of my cause?"

"Not in the slightest degree."

"And do you think then that God will permit unrighteousness to prevail?"

"I know little about God's purposes. I only know what power these men have to destroy you, and I know they are going to use their power without mercy."

Barry broke in. "That's right, Farrar," he said. "Phil and Boston and the rest of them have got you in their grip. I heard to-day that they're going to choke off your salary. That's where the shoe will pinch. So Mary and I have decided that you'd better call the